Complaints handling policy
At Phoenix PSF we aim to provide a high standard of service to all our clients.
If your expectations are not met, you can contact your dedicated relationship manager in the first instance.
If you feel you have reason to make a more formal complaint you can contact our Complaints Officer – James Scanlon:
- By Email to the following address:
- By Letter, addressed to Phoenix PSF, 64, rue Principale, L-5367 Luxembourg
- By Phone +352 288 075
Phoenix PSF commits to acknowledge the receipt of your complaint within three business days.
Phoenix PSF will inform you about the decision it has reached on the matter no later than four weeks after first receiving the complaint. Our response will include an explanation of our assessment of the complaint. If we decide that remedial action is appropriate in regards to the complaint, the response will detail how we will action the remedies.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of the response, you can request to have your case directly reviewed by the Board of Directors.
In case a mutually agreeable solution cannot be reached, the complaint may be escalated to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) according to the applicable procedure found on
Our internal complaint handling policy is built in compliance with the CSSF regulation 16-07 applicable to companies in the Luxembourg financial sector.
Thank you for choosing Phoenix PSF.
Phoenix PSF
64, rue Principale, L-5367 Schuttrange, Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 288 075